Posted on Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Film: Spy Webbies
Want to learn how to be a spy webby?? The tech side of operations, they're the guys who search the web for vital Intel! Join them on the amazing Perkley Spy plane.

Spy Webbies Video

Posted on Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Film: Sanitize
Agent Thorn will train you on how to sanitize a secret message!


Posted on Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Film: Eyes Only
This video is for your eyes only!

Click to reveal top secret intel...

Posted on Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Thing: Watching Magazine
Materials you will need for this activity include:
  • An old magazine, thin cardboard (like from a cereal box), or some thick paper (cardstock or construction paper)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • An old small mirror(like from an old make-up compact), old CD, old hard-drive, or something else reflective
 If you are using an old magazine, it might be a good idea glue the pages together first. Open the magazine to the middle. Glue all the pages from the first half together, and glue all the pages from the second half together. Make sure that you leave one page in the middle not glued together so you can still open the magazine.

If you are using a cereal box, cut off one of the skinny sides. Then cut off the top and bottom. The cereal box should now lay flat. You can cut it into a smaller shape if you want. So that it doesn't look like you're reading a cereal box, you should disguise the outside. You could paint or color it, or glue colored paper over it so it looks like a book.

If you are using paper, fold the paper in half (hamburger style) so that it can open like a book.

Now it's time to make your fake reading material into spy material. First, cut an eye-hole into your fake magazine. This way you can pretend to be reading, but actually peer through the hole in the magazine. Try to cut the eye-hole at a good height for where you might be reading. Now you can watch people who are in front of you without them knowing.

But what if you want to watch someone behind you? No worries, this is where the mirror comes in. Take your mirror, or other reflective surface, and glue it to the magazine. Make sure to place it near the outside edge of your fake magazine so that you won't just reflect yourself.

Now your fake magazine is all finished! Go try it out!

Posted on Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Question: What do Perkley the Spy and Harriet the Spy have in common?

Answer: Their middle name!

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